SERIES PURPOSE - Through its Committee on Education and Human Resources, the National Science Board is undertaking a series of three field hearings beginning in the Spring of 1998. Field hearings will enable the Board, through panels featuring invited participants, to present information on NSF-funded projects in various geographic regions. The field hearings are designed to fill a niche in policy discussions and deliberations within the scientific and educational communities. The National Science Board - composed of 24 eminent scientists, engineers, and educators - serves not only as the governing body of the National Science Foundation (NSF), but also as policy advisor to the President and Congress. In both capacities, it is important that the Board systematically interact with the broader public and various communities in fulfilling its mandate. The hearing topics and dates are as follows: Enriching Lives through Informal Education Los Angeles, CA, May 29, 1998 Dr. James Powell, Board Liaison Hearing Agenda Keynote Address for LA (Powell) Enriching Lives through Informal Education Press Release, June 1, 1998 What Matters in K-12 Mathematics and Science? Effective Strategies for Reform and Student Achievement Chicago, IL, July 20, 1998 Dr. Claudia Mitchell-Kernan, Board Liaison Hearing Prospectus and Agenda Highlights of the NSB Field Hearing Keynote Address for Chicago (Vallas) All One System: Developing Human Capital and Infrastructure for Science and Engineering San Juan, PR, October 7, 1998 Dr. Richard Tapia, Board Liaison Hearing Prospectus Hearing Agenda Media Advisory Preliminary Notes on Puerto Rico Each hearing is designed to: illuminate the range, depth, and complexity of projects supported under NSFs Education and Training portfolio; engage the Board in discussion with various communities over the products of NSF's investments; and focus national attention on NSF's impacts on educational systems around the U.S. PRINCIPALS AND STAFF SUPPORT The NSF/EHR Committee has convened the series. A combination of NSB principals and NSF staff plan and execute each hearing. An NSB member is designated by the NSB/EHR Committee Chairman as liaison for each hearing. This member coordinates with a Local Arrangements Committee, and NSB and NSF staff liaisons. OLPA provides national media support to publicize the series and to ensure local media coverage of each event. The principals and staff are: | ||||||||
OUTCOMES A summary of each hearing will be produced, distributed to all NSB/EHR Committee members, and discussed at the next scheduled Committee meeting. Decisions on the preparation of reportsand in what medium will be included in Committee deliberations. Within a programmatic context, next steps will be suggested for NSB and staff consideration on communicating with external audiences on how NSF is fostering positive change in the teaching and learning of science and mathematics. |