Media Advisory 12-015 - Video
Imagine a fully instrumented satellite the size of a half-gallon milk carton: a cubesat.
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Imagine a satellite the size of a half-gallon milk carton. Low-cost satellites just that small have been making history in successes many herald as a "space revolution."
Called cubesats for the roughly four-inch-cubed dimensions of their basic building elements, each one is stacked with modern, smart-phone-like electronics and tiny scientific instruments.
On Thursday, May 24, 2012, NSF hosted an event featuring cubesats. Scientists, engineers and educators showcased their NSF-funded cubesat projects. Scheduled speakers included: Michael Morgan, NSF Division Director for Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences; Roland Coelho, California Polytechnic; James Cutler, University of Michigan; Norman Fitz-Coy, University of Florida; Eloisa de Castro, Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
Come join us in space ... aboard a cubesat.
Credit: National Science Foundation