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News Release 09-199

Teaching the Teachers

When science teachers do research in university labs, their students ultimately benefit--and it shows in their state assessments

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Photo of Middle school teacher Anita Edwards doing research.

Middle school teacher Anita Edwards did research as part of a group studying nitrogen greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment processes.

Credit: Summer Research Program for Science Teachers, Columbia University

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Samuel C. Silverstein of Columbia University discusses the benefits in having science teachers take part in research experiences.

Credit: National Science Foundation


Cover of Oct. 16, 2009, issue of Science magazine.

The findings of Silverstein and his colleagues are published in the Oct. 16, 2009, issue of Science magazine.

Credit: Science magazine

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Chart showing percentages of students passing the Science Regents exam.

This figure (Figure #1 in Dr. Silverstein's Science paper) shows the percentages of students passing the Science Regents exam according to teachers' participation in CUSRP.

Credit: Dr. Samuel C. Silverstein, Columbia University

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Graph showing pass rate of students of CUSRP and non-CUSRP teachers.

This graph shows the pass rate on the Science Regents exam for students of CUSRP teachers versus comparison teachers. Although the students of CUSRP teachers scored below those of the comparison teachers before the teachers' entry into the program, students of CUSRP teachers were outperforming those of comparison teachers by more than 10 points three and four years after their teachers entry into CUSRP.

Credit: Dr. Samuel C. Silverstein, Columbia University

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