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News Release 09-183

A New Look Beneath the Waves: Ocean Observatories Initiative Gets Underway

National Science Foundation and Consortium for Ocean Leadership sign cooperative agreement for vast undersea observing network

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Illustration showing the geographic locations of the OOI components.

The geographic locations of the OOI components are depicted in this illustration.

Credit: Center for Environmental Visualization, University of Washington

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Illustration showing a global mooring array to collect continuous data that will be built.

As part of OOI, a global mooring array to collect continuous data will be built.

Credit: Jack Cook, WHOI

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Illustration showing the location of an OOI regional scale node at Axial Volcano and Hydrate Ridge.

An OOI regional scale node will be located at the deep-sea Axial Volcano and Hydrate Ridge.

Credit: University of Washington

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Illustration showing a cabled mooring that will be used on the regional scale nodes of OOI.

A close-up shows a cabled mooring that will be used on the regional scale nodes of OOI.

Credit: University of Washington

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Diagram outlining the cyberinfrastructure component of the Ocean Observatories Initiative.

This diagram outlines the cyberinfrastructure component of the Ocean Observatories Initiative.

Credit: Matthew Arrott, UCSD

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