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News Release 08-066

A CluE in the Search for Data-Intensive Computing

Unique relationship between Google, IBM and NSF allows academic computing research community to access large-scale computer cluster

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An artist's rendition of a server farm, showing rows of computers planted like crops.

In the last five years, private sector companies have launched a number of highly effective Internet-scale applications powered by massively scaled, highly distributed computing resources known as data clusters. Sometimes referred to as data centers or server farms, these clusters contain as many as 90,000 servers, each co-located with hundreds of gigabytes of data. These increases in network capacity and fundamental changes in computer architecture are encouraging software developers to take new approaches to computer-science problem solving.

Credit: Zina Deretsky, National Science Foundation

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Jeannette Wing, assistant director for computer and information science and engineering at NSF, discusses the CluE solicitation.

Credit: NSF