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New land-use strategies can reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Automated chambers in use a young stand of wheat.

Automated chambers measure greenhouse gas levels in a young stand of wheat.

Credit: JE Doll, MSU

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Midwest corn field

Midwest corn fields offer surprising opportunities, scientists say, to mitigate greenhouse gases.

Credit: Kurt Stepnitz, MSU

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A scientist works on a carbon dioxide flux tower in a field

CO2 flux tower in a cropped field at the NSF KBS LTER site.

Credit: B. Zenone, MSU

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wheat field

Cover crops such as clover in a maturing wheat field can capture and store CO2 in soil.

Credit: S.Deming, MSU

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A scientist collects a sample for new soil carbon storage in a Midwest field crop.

Scientists sample for new soil carbon storage in a Midwest field crop.

Credit: J.E. Doll, MSU

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Scientists with equipment working in a forest

Researchers study soil carbon gains in reforested agricultural land.

Credit: J.E. Doll, MSU

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