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REU Sites

REU Sites: Biological Sciences

APPLICATIONS: Students must contact the individual site or program to apply. NSF does not have application materials and does not select student participants.

ELIGIBILITY: Individual sites may have additional eligibility requirements (e.g., number of undergraduate years completed). Undergraduate student participants supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. High school graduates who have not yet enrolled, and students who have already received their bachelor's degrees, are not eligible.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Click on the Title of the Site in the "Site Information" column to go to the homepage (if available) for that Site. Sites are ordered alphabetically by host institution. All Sites provide stipends, housing and meals, in addition to travel to and from the Site. This listing will change as new REU Site awards are made. Sites are added or deleted as decisions are made on awards, and the list is updated periodically. Clicking on a highlighted site title should direct you to the web page for more information on that program.

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REU Sites
Site Information Site Location Contact Information Additional Information
The Scripps Research Institute
REU Site: Scripps’ Structure and Function Summer Institute (SFSI)
Office of Graduate Studies
La Jolla, California
Primary: Dawn Eastmond
(858) 784-2872
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, chemistry, structural biology, biochemistry, biology
REU Site: Scripps’ Structure and Function Summer Institute (SFSI)Abstract of Award
The University of Kansas
REU Site: The Stressed Life of Cells
Molecular Biosciences
Lawrence, Kansas
Primary: Lisa Timmons
(785) 864-7363
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, cell biology, microbiology, genetics, developmental biology, virology, computational biology, biochemistry
Comments: John Connolly
REU Site: The Stressed Life of CellsAbstract of Award
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
REU Site: Research experiences for Deaf Students in Systems Biology and Molecular Signaling- How Cells and Organisms make Decisions
Department of Biochemistry & Cellular and Molecular Biology
Knoxville, Tennessee
Primary: Dan Roberts
(865) 974-4070
Secondary: David Smith
(865) 329-7530
Research Topics/Keywords: Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology, Genomics,Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Synthetic Biology, Computational Modeling
REU Site: Research experiences for Deaf Students in Systems Biology and Molecular Signaling- How Cells and Organisms make DecisionsAbstract of Award
The University of Texas at Austin
REU SITE: Summer Undergraduate Program for Experiential Research (SUPER) in Molecular Biosciences.
The Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology
Alan Lloyd, Texas
Primary: Alan Lloyd
(512) 471-3530
Secondary: Antonio Gonzalez
(512) 471-6424
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, molecular, biology, cell, development, gene, DNA, RNA
Comments: Coordinator: Justine Mecchio (512)471-0934
REU SITE: Summer Undergraduate Program for Experiential Research (SUPER) in Molecular Biosciences.Abstract of Award
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Primary: David Zuzga
(215) 898-3964
Secondary: Kristy Shuda McGuire
(215) 898-3805
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, Cell Biology, Gene Expression, Immunology, Immunotherapy, Microenvironment, Molecular Biology, Vaccine
Comments: Cailey Bice (Education Program Coordinator); 215-898-3749
REU Site: Understanding the Rules of Life: The Molecular Basis of Cellular Phenotypes (MBCP) ProgramAbstract of Award
Medford, Massachusetts
Primary: Philip Starks
(617) 627-4849
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, Mathematical Ecology, Genetics, Microbiology, Physiology, Evolution, Development, Botony, Plant-Herbivore Interactions, Marine Invertebrate Biology, Conservation, Physiology, Behavior...
REU Site: Integrative approaches to studying recognition systems in cells, organisms, and populationsAbstract of Award
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa
REU Site: Re-IMAGiNE Life, Exploring Function through Adaptation
Department of Biological Sciences
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Primary: Julie Olson
(205) 348-1807
Secondary: Michael McKain
(205) 348-1826
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences; functional adaptation; changing environments; genomic variation
REU Site: Re-IMAGiNE Life, Exploring Function through AdaptationAbstract of Award
Tucson, Arizona
Primary: Michael Johnson
(520) 626-3779
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, Virtual, Microbiology, Remote, Immunology
REU Site: The National Summer Undergraduate Research Project (NSURP)Abstract of Award
Tucson, Arizona
Primary: Michael Johnson
(520) 626-3779
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, microbiology, immunology, virtual, remote
Comments: Coordinator: Holly Lopez
REU Site: The National Summer Undergraduate Research ProjectAbstract of Award
University of Arizona
REU Site: Microbial Symbioses and Diversity Research Experience at the University of Arizona
School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Tucson, Arizona
Primary: Gayatri Vedantam
(520) 620-6839
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, microbiology, microbial symbiosis, bacteria, viruses, environmental microbiology, food microbiology, plant-microbe association, animal microbiome, genetics, biochemistry, microbiome
Comments: Contact: Ms. Allison Sullivan;
REU Site: Microbial Symbioses and Diversity Research Experience at the University of ArizonaAbstract of Award
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Primary: Kusum Naithani
(479) 575-3653
Secondary: Erica Westerman
(479) 575-5348
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, ecology, ecosystem services, biogeochemistry, sustainability, resiliency, green chemistry, biological and agricultural engineering, agricultural economics
REU SITE: Assessment and sustainable management of ecosystem at the nexus of food, energy, and water systemsAbstract of Award
University of Arkansas
REU Site: Indigenous America to Indigenous Mekong (Vietnam and Thailand) - Adventures in Biology and Biodiversity
Department of Biological Sciences and Cellular and Molecular Biology Program
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Primary: Ruben Ceballos
(479) 575-5643
University of California, Davis
REU Site: Ecological and Evolutionary Response to Rapid Environmental Change
Evolution and Ecology
Davis, California
Primary: Richard Grosberg
(530) 219-2468
Secondary: Anne Todgham
(530) 752-1897
Research Topics/Keywords: REU Site: Ecological and Evolutionary Response to Rapid Environmental Change
Comments: Program coordinator: Carole Hom /
REU Site: Ecological and Evolutionary Response to Rapid Environmental ChangeAbstract of Award
University of California, Los Angeles
REU Site: Computational Biosciences Research Experience for Undergraduates
Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biology
Los Angeles, California
Primary: Hilary Coller
(310) 825-3483
Secondary: Alexander Hoffmann
(310) 794-9925
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, quantitative biology, computational biology, next generation sequencing, computer programming, statistics
Comments: Coordinator: Beverlee Turner,
REU Site: Computational Biosciences Research Experience for UndergraduatesAbstract of Award
Merced, California
Primary: Ajay Gopinathan
(209) 228-4048
Secondary: Carrie Kouadio
(209) 228-4230
Research Topics/Keywords: Biophysical sciences, biotechnology, molecular and cellular biology, developmental biology, biochemistry, biomaterials, bioengineering, biosciences
Comments: Contact: Carrie Kouadio ( )
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Biological Engineering and Science Training (I-BEST)Abstract of Award
University of California Berkeley
REU Site: How Robustness and Resilience in Response to Biotic and Abiotic Stressors Shape Biological Processes.
Host department: Integrative Biology / 13 participating departments
Berkeley, California
Primary: Gian Garriga
(510) 642-5859
Secondary: Tyrone Hayes
(510) 643-1054
Research Topics/Keywords: Biotic stress; abiotic stress; ecology; molecular biology; cell biology; microbiology; plant biology
REU Site: How Robustness and Resilience in Response to Biotic and Abiotic Stressors Shape Biological Processes.Abstract of Award
University of California Irvine
REU SITE: Summer Institute in Neuroscience
Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Irvine, California
Primary: Luis Colon-Perez
(949) 824-3919
Secondary: Manuella Yassa
(949) 824-5193
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, learning and memory, neuroscience, computational biology, neuroimaging, behavioral neuroscience, genetics, epigenetics
REU SITE: Summer Institute in NeuroscienceAbstract of Award
Riverside, California
Primary: Carolyn Rasmussen
(951) 827-4415
Secondary: Thomas Eulgem
(951) 827-7740
University of California San Francisco
REU Site: NSF REU in Molecular Biosciences
All Departments
San Francisco, California
Primary: Carol Gross
(415) 476-4161
Secondary: Elizabeth Silva
(415) 502-2927
Research Topics/Keywords: molecular biosciences, immunology, biochemistry, molecular biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, and Genomics
Comments: Contact for student applications: Zachary Smith,
REU Site: NSF REU in Molecular BiosciencesAbstract of Award
University of Central Florida
REU Site: Conservation, Restoration and Communication
Orlando, Florida
Primary: Linda Walters
(407) 823-2148
Secondary: Kate Mansfield
(407) 823-4432
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, biodiversity, conservation, restoration, communication, ecology, evolution, vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, endangered species, invasive species, animal behavior, animal tracking
Comments: UCF REU Contact: Dr. Linda Walters,
REU Site: Conservation, Restoration and CommunicationAbstract of Award
Edmond, Oklahoma
Primary: Charlotte Simmons
(405) 974-2538
Secondary: Charles Abramson
(405) 744-7492
Research Topics/Keywords: Behavioral Studies; Biodiversity; Physiological Ecology, and Biological Invasions; Ecosystem Change
Comments: Inquiries:
REU Site: Pollinators, Climate Change, and the Aegean ArchipelagoAbstract of Award
Cofunded: International Science and Engineering
University of Chicago
REU Site in Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology at the University of Chicago
Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
Chicago, Illinois
Primary: Aaron Turkewitz
(773) 702-4374
Secondary: Lucia B Rothman-Denes
(773) 702-1083
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, cell biology, developmental biology, molecular biology, plant biology, host-parasite, prokaryotic biology, computational biology, systems biology
Comments: coordinator: Catherine Will (
REU Site in Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology at the University of ChicagoAbstract of Award
University of Cincinnati
REU Site: Sensory Ecology: An Integrative Approach
Biological Sciences
Cincinnati, Ohio
Primary: Stephanie Rollmann
(513) 556-9729
Secondary: John Layne
(513) 556-9718
Research Topics/Keywords: Biosciences, biology, animal behavior, behavioral ecology, ecology, evolution, neurobiology, neuroscience, molecular, sensory ecology
REU Site: Sensory Ecology: An Integrative ApproachAbstract of Award
Aurora, Colorado
Primary: Aaron Johnson
(303) 724-3224
Secondary: Neel Mukherjee
(303) 724-1623
Research Topics/Keywords: RNA Biology, Genomics; Genetics; Molecular Biology, Biochemistry; Biosciences
REU Site: Summer Undergraduate Research Program in RNA and Genome BiologyAbstract of Award
University of Connecticut
REU Site: Research Experiences in Physiology and Neurobiology at UCONN
Physiology and Neurobiology
Storrs, Connecticut
Primary: Xinnian Chen
(860) 486-6169
Secondary: Anastasios Tzingounis
(860) 486-7916
Research Topics/Keywords: biology, biosciences, physiology, developmental neurobiology, respiratory physiology, synaptic plasticity, neural circuits, molecular and cell biology, bioinformatics, computational biology
REU Site: Research Experiences in Physiology and Neurobiology at UCONNAbstract of Award
Groton, Connecticut
Primary: Michael Finiguerra
(860) 389-2900
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, oceansciences, marine science, marine biology, marine ecosystems, food web, marine ecology, physiology, immunology, whales, marine mammals, fish, aquarium, environmental stressors
Comments: Danielle Lavoie/; 860-818-2507
REU Site: Mystic Aquarium: Collaborative Research: Plankton to Whales: Consequences of Global Change within Marine EcosystemsAbstract of Award
University of Florida
REU Site: Marine Biodiversity: lessons from molecules, development and behavior
Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience
Saint Augustine, Florida
Primary: Joseph Ryan
(904) 201-8426
Secondary: Elaine Seaver
(904) 201-8449
Research Topics/Keywords: biology, biosciences, evolution, marine biology, neurobiology, embryology, genomics, coastal ecology, biomechanics, locomotion, molecular biology, biogeochemistry
Comments: Coordinator: Brenda Cannaliato (
REU Site: Marine Biodiversity: lessons from molecules, development and behaviorAbstract of Award
University of Florida
REU Site: SURFing the Interface between Chemistry and Biology
The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology
Jupiter, Florida
Primary: Katrin Karbstein
(561) 228-3210
Research Topics/Keywords: Biochemistry, Chemical Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience, Immunology
Comments: Rosie Albarran-Zeckler,
REU Site: SURFing the Interface between Chemistry and BiologyAbstract of Award
University of Georgia
REU Site: Molecular and Synthetic Microbiology
Athens, Georgia
Primary: Vincent Starai
(706) 542-5755
Secondary: Timothy Hoover
(706) 542-2675
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, microbiology, genomics, biochemistry, marine biology, ecology
Comments: Coordinator: Kimberly Brown;; 706-542-2045
REU Site: Molecular and Synthetic MicrobiologyAbstract of Award
University of Georgia
REU Site: Population Biology of Infectious Diseases
Odum School of Ecology
Athens, Georgia
Primary: John Drake
(706) 583-5539
Secondary: Michael Strand
(706) 583-8237
Research Topics/Keywords: biology, biosciences, infectious disease, mathematics, ecology, modeling, biostatistics, epidemiology, evolutionary biology, vector biology, parasitology
REU Site: Population Biology of Infectious DiseasesAbstract of Award
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